Holiday Home Assistance along the south coast
Poole, New Forest, Highclifffe, Bournemouth, Christchurch
Holiday Home Assistance along the south coast
Poole, New Forest, Highclifffe, Bournemouth, Christchurch
Call out charges from £25
Average 3 bed property prices from £85
Laundry costs - starting from £7.50 per single bed wash and iron
Please contact us to discuss your needs and provide an accurate quote
Holiday Changeovers
Full Changeover Service including linen and towel laundering if required. Suitable for all sizes of property.
Mid-booking linen change
For bookings of longer than one week where a linen change is required, we will visit the property to remove and replace dirty linen and towels and freshen the property up.
Vacant property refresh
Holiday changeovers are normally conducted on departure. Where a property is left vacant for a period of time, we can visit the property prior to an arrival to check that everything is in order and freshen up before next let.
Winter and out of season services
During winter and cold weather periods it may be necessary to visit a property prior to a booking to turn on the heating, and/or to air the property. We can provide this service as and when required. Out of season we can provide regularly scheduled property checks, or we can check your property as and when required. Your holiday let insurance policy will require that your property is regularly checked during void periods in order to validate any potential claim.
Storm/Flood Checks
We are available to check your property following bad weather. A report on a specific aspect of your property can be provided if required.
Holiday Let Keyholding
For only £15 per month we offer key holding and back up services 365 days a year. Whether you require our complete changeover and cleaning services or if you are just looking for a reputable local company to hold your property keys and to be available when required, our keyholding service is efficient, dependable and cost effective.
Trades Access
We can assist with providing access to tradesmen if required.
Short Notice Changeovers/ Cleaning
For Keyholding customers who are let down by an existing cleaner or property manager, we can assist at short notice if required.
Guest Liaison
Property Managers leave their contact number in the property and act as a ‘first responder’ if guests call with any property related issues.
Meet and greet
A meet and greet service is available through to customers who require it.
Guest Arrival Amenity Pack
Customers may wish us to supply an arrival ‘amenity pack’ or gift i.e. wine, chocolates etc. for visitors. We can provide a basic welcome pack which covers some essentials for guests on arrival, such as milke, tea, coffee, sugar, bread, butter. Enhanced amenity packs are available depending on customer requirements.
Property Inventory
For holiday rental properties, we can provide a full detailed property inventory at the start of a letting period and at the end of each let if required .
Holiday Home Assistance
Run by Liz & Yvette